Repairs That Should and Should Not Stall Your House Hunting
Prioritize issues found during home inspection, weigh repair costs, but don’t let minor problems stop you from buying your dream home.

Prioritize issues found during home inspection, weigh repair costs, but don’t let minor problems stop you from buying your dream home.
You have found the perfect home only to find that there are some issues with it. While it’s important to have a thorough home inspection and consider the price of repairs before purchasing a property, some problems should not prevent you from starting the next chapter of your life in your dream home. Oulahen Team Realty has listed some helpful information and resources to think about as you navigate home repair problems while house hunting.
Red Flags
Not all problems should deter you from buying a home. However, if there are too many issues, or even one issue that comes at a high price, you might want to reconsider the home.
Professional Repairs
There are many home repairs that can be performed by professionals that you will not have to do yourself:
DIY Repairs
Finally, there are plenty of relatively simple, fast repairs that you can handle yourself in a new home. For example:
Buying a home is difficult enough. Don’t add disappointment to the mix by turning down property with problems that can easily be fixed. Consider the information above as you navigate the home buying process, and keep researching other repairs that you should be aware of.
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